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I-T - Assessment order is barred by limitation where it is passed beyond extended period allowed on account of reference to TPO: ITAT (See 'Breaking News') Declining trend of taxation is now staging a reversal: OECD (See Brief) TP - Comparable company adopted by TPO without examining functional similarity with assessee; case remanded for re-consideration: ITAT (See 'Breaking News') The Delhi High Court decision in the case of Tiger Global - An analysis (See TII Edit) INTL - Power of revision cannot be exercised where the original assessment order is neither erroneous nor prejudicial to revenue's interests: ITAT (See 'Breaking News') INTL - Foreign exchange loss from re-statement of forward contracts is allowable as deduction u/s 37 of I-T Act, despite being classified by AO as notional & speculative: ITAT (See 'Breaking News') TP - Assessment order quashed where TPO omits to follow directions given by DRP & ITAT; order erroneously includes non-AE revenue & non-AE cost for computing TP adjustment: ITAT (See 'Breaking News') TP - Company merits being discarded as comparable for benchmarking purposes, where its products are entirely different from the products manufactured by assessee-company: ITAT (See 'Breaking News') Global economy turning corner as growth remains resilient: OECD ('TII BRIEF') INTL - Assumption of jurisdiction by DRP u/s 154 of the Act is valid, where matter at hand entails non-consideration of expenses, for purpose of transfer pricing comparison: HC (See 'Breaking News') INTL - As is trite law, ESOP is an allowable expenditure as per Section 37(1): HC (See 'Breaking News') TP - Period of 60 days stipulated for passing order of Transfer Pricing is mandatory: HC (See 'Breaking News') 9 tax jurisdictions ink new treaty to implement Pillar 2 ('TII BRIEF') I-T - Bright line test is no appropriate method to determine ALP in case of AMP expenses: ITAT (See 'Breaking News') TP - financial assistance received by assessee from its parent company abroad, cannot per se imply acceptance of Advertisement, Marketing & Promotion as international transaction: HC (See 'Breaking News') DTAA - penalty cannot be imposed where assessee is under bona fide belief that TDS is already paid and that no further payment is required: ITAT (See 'Breaking News') Pillar 1- Multilateral tax treaty to be signed on Thursday ('TII BRIEF') TP - Assessee entitled to voluntary transfer pricing adjustment as per Section 92C: ITAT (See 'Breaking News')
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Declining trend of taxation is now staging a reversal: OECD
By TII News Service
Oct 01, 2024 , Paris

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A trend of decreased taxes on businesses and individuals during the pandemic and the subsequent inflationary period is now showing signs of deceleration and reversal, according to a new OECD report.

Tax Policy Reforms 2024 describes the tax reforms implemented in 2023 across 90 jurisdictions, including all OECD countries. It also identifies longer-term reform trends, highlighting how governments have used tax policy to respond to consecutive crises, high levels of inflation, and long-term structural challenges.

The report outlines the evolving tax policy landscape as governments strive to balance the need for additional domestic resources with measures to alleviate the cost-of-living crisis affecting households and businesses. It shows a shift from the tax-decreasing reforms introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent period of high inflation to more balanced approaches involving rate increases and base broadening initiatives. 

“Tax reforms have been one of the key policy tools used by governments to protect households & businesses from decade-high inflation levels and the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,” OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann said. “We are now seeing the policy focus shift, and it should continue shifting, towards creating the fiscal space needed to respond to future shocks and support the long-term structural transformations of our economies and societies are facing, including digitalisation and AI, evolving patterns of trade, climate change, population aging.”

The new OECD report highlights data suggesting that the trend of decreasing corporate income tax (CIT) rates observed since the Global Financial Crisis is reversing, with more jurisdictions implementing CIT rate increases than decreases in 2023. With CIT rates at historic lows, countries and jurisdictions seeking favourable CIT treatment opted for base-narrowing measures instead of rate decreases. Furthermore, significant progress has been made towards implementing the Global Minimum Tax (GMT), which establishes a worldwide 15% floor for the effective tax rates of large multinational enterprises. As of April 2024, 60 jurisdictions had announced that they are considering or taking steps towards implementing the GMT, with 36 jurisdictions taking steps towards an application of the GMT starting in 2024, and some expect to implement legislation taking effect from 2025.

While personal income tax (PIT) cuts continued to support economic recovery and household incomes, there is an emerging trend towards increasing social security contributions (SSCs) to address demographic shifts, rising healthcare costs, and social protection needs. In particular, the share of the population aged 65 and over across OECD countries has doubled in recent decades and is projected to increase further, along with associated spending needs such as for long-term care. PIT reforms have focused on supporting low- and middle-income households, with a few countries increasing their top PIT rates.

Following significant value-added tax (VAT) relief measures on energy products to counter rising energy costs and inflation, the pace of VAT cuts is now slowing, and some jurisdictions are scaling back VAT relief. Six jurisdictions increased their standard VAT rate in 2023. 

The use of reduced VAT to promote lower-carbon economies, through reduced rates for electric vehicles or zero rates for solar panels, is increasingly common. Several countries also extended tax incentives for electric vehicles at the time of purchase. Concurrently, a number of countries increased their carbon taxes to support the transition to a low-carbon economy.

In order to stimulate healthy lifestyles and improve public health, several high- and upper-middle-income countries strengthened health-related excise taxes on tobacco, alcoholic beverages, sugar-sweetened beverages, and gambling. 

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